get involved

Be part of the Eucharist Missions

deep Eucharist love

Understanding the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

child like trust in mary

Learning how Mary leads us to Gods will

path way to sainthood

Inspiring young souls to walk in holiness

about us

Inspired by the saints, led by the Eucharist

Blessed Carla Acutis once said, "The Eucharist is my highway to heaven." Like him, we believe that a deep love for the Holy Eucharit can transform lives and lead soulsto sainthood. we are a faith-driven movement dedicaded to nurturing young hearts in the love of christ, the teachings of the church, and the power of the Blessed Sacrament. Through prayers, education and community, we guide children and youth to enbrace holiness in thier daily lives

Programs and services

Our programs and services are designed to guide individuals on their journey toward sainthood, rooted in the devotion to the Holy Eucharist and the teachings of the church.

Holy mass and Eucharistic Adoration

Experience the real presence of Jesue through prayer and reflection during Eucharistic Adoration sessions.

Faith Formation

Join workshops and Bible study groups focused on understanding the sacraments, living in God’s will, and growing in spiritual maturity.

Youth Outreach

Empowering young souls to walk in holiness through inspiring activities, mentorship programs and community-building events.

Marian Devotion

Learn how to trust in the intercession of Mother Mary and embrace her guidance in living a Christ-centered life.

Contact us

Have question or want to learn more? we'd love to hear from you

Business Hours Monday — Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday — 10am – 3pm Sunday — Closed